A downloadable game for Windows

This is the second game we tried to make but due to life getting in the way, it never got past the first stage. Currently attempting to revive it.

"Go through the 5 stages of life in this survival point collector game. 

Shape your personality and goals all while collecting enough happiness to prevent suicidal thoughts from creeping in. If you get too low, you'll check out of life's game and maybe have another go at it.

Don't just survive life, live it. "


Blankmarks (Game Designer)

Harlock and Kamikaze10 (1st Programmers)

Incognian ( 2nd Programmer)

Henkpower72 (1st Pixel Artist) 

PlaytheQuietGame  & AKking_YT ( 2nd Pixel Artists)

Background Art Base: https://ansimuz.itch.io/hazy-urban-landscape


Keep Yourself Alive Replica.zip 25 MB

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